The Saccaro handmade brings personality to each piece and rescues the human, artistic and unique character that surrounds any habitat. We are today an internationally recognized brand for its authorial design.

“All things have meaning. Their meaning depends on how much we care about them. I believe love is what conveys meaning to life and to everything we do. Saccaro was founded based on love and I think I cannot deny that. It is something greater than we are. It is something that propels us and makes us move forward, in a search for happiness. Saccaro is not only a dream. It is the essence of what I am. It is who I am.“ Albino Saccaro, founder.

Saccaro has been teaming up with architects, designers and artists since 1985. Those partnerships, that bring together the talent of artists and the craftsmanship techniques of Saccaro, have resulted in the creation of beautiful, functional, singular furniture pieces. Through its investments in renowned professions in the last three decades, Saccaro has greatly contributed to Brazilian design.

Saccaro is constantly taking actions that ensure environmental preservation and social responsibility. The company seeks to reduce its environmental impact by treating its wastewater, by reducing the generation of waste and by promoting recycling. The plant is registered by IBAMA, the Brazilian institute of environment and renewable resources, and operates under a license granted by FEPAM, the regional environmental protection foundation. Saccaro also requires that all its suppliers comply with environmental regulations and certify the origin of raw materials. Saccaro cares for its employees as much as it cares for the environment. Throughout its history, the company has ensured the well-being of people by promoting investments that ensure safe working conditions, quality of life and the development of its employees.

A Saccaro product is built by many hands. Each part is unique. Everything is at the eyes of everyone and everything belongs to everyone. A machine is capable of some things, but hands have the power to enchant. Even if is the desire, one weaving is never equal to another, the minimum of strength used when pulling a thread gives a different alignment to it. A millimeter smaller than before and the piece is not the same, even being similar. Both are perfect, both are unique.

It cannot be told: Has to be lived, was born from a desire to express Saccaro’s history through art, with poetic texts followed by a photo shoot by Leopoldo Plentz. A book to be fully absorbed, lived with intensity. Just like a Saccaro furniture. Told in chronicles, the book is full with history, tradition, work and family moments. With the arrival of new generations, new work methodologies were implemented and innovative products were launched. From the fabrication of wicker baskets to the commercialization of products with authorial design, the technology used flourished. Saccaro knows that the talent, however, remains in the same habitat: in the people. Check the full story of this trajectory in the book ‘It cannot be told: Has to be lived’.