Emerson Borges is a designer graduated from PUC-PR in 1979 and has a postgraduate degree in Marketing from Faculdade de Administração e Economia (FAE). He served as a professor at Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná and in the postgraduate course in Marketing at FAE. He has worked as a business consultant through Alvarenga, Borges e Associados (ABA). Among other activities, he served as Director of Creation at Trio Comunicação, developing works for several clients. The Folio armchair, created by him, is part of the design permanent collection of Museo Oscar Niemeyer. His pieces K and Fly have been awarded the Certificado de Boa Forma (Certificate of Good Shape). The Door Elements line has been awarded in Salão de Design/Casa Brasil 2013. Today, Emerson works in the market through B2D Design. The designer believes that the space we inhabit reflects what we are, our dreams, values and anxieties. “It is in it that we express, either consciously or not, what happens in our soul. Each object is there for a reason. It brings a memory, solves a situation or creates a moment. We surround ourselves with furniture and objects that, in a way, support our way of being and living, or express our vision of life, allowing us to be what we are.” “The art of design is to understand the different personal universes and seek, in them, references to develop new products. Every product holds information, perceptions and sensations. Understanding this universe of consumers and interpreting it through colors, shapes and textures, leading the consumer to find in a product by Saccaro the echo of his/her needs, anxieties and desires, is the key to the process as a whole.” To Emerson, every Saccaro product travels in a particular space between the classic and the contemporary. “Creating, for Saccaro, is capturing the essence of a language where every element is there for a reason. Without frivolity or decorative findings, creating is drawing such that each texture, each proposed shape, each material, may be unique while creating synergy with the others. It means eliminating excesses, seeking a conceptual purity to transcend time, in such a way to become the screen where each person may express his/her desires, creating his/her own space.” It is with this vision that Emerson develops products for Saccaro, always seeking this subtle balance between need and solution, seeking in the company´s background, materials and constructive shapes that reveal the refinement of production and the almost-artisanal quality of the products.