Roque Frizzo is graduated in architecture from Unisinos/RS. He has performed his design activities in his own office since 1990, and, as an architect, since 2001 at Roque Frizzo Arquitetura e Design, providing consultancy services and developing products for the furniture industry. He works with design in all areas of the industry. Some of his works have been distinguished in Museo da Casa Brasileira, 1st and 2nd Bienal Brasileira de Design and Salão Design, of Movelsul. Elements of art, culture and of the proportions of nature have directly influenced his work. Wood is one of the main elements and has been present in most of his works. Products that are typically used outdoors, such as chairs, tables and armchairs appear more often in his work, through the mixture of natural materials and craftsmanship in pieces of furniture and the use of technologies in Industrialization. In furniture, the main brand he works with is Saccaro. Furniture design takes up much of his work, even though he works in other segments as well. The creation of furniture and housewares has already earned him recognition. As for awards, Frizzo took the first place in Concurso Nacional ViverBem Novos Talentos in 1996 (a national contest). He also took 2nd place in the same contest in 1997 (Concurso Nacional ViverBem Novos Talentos). In addition, he received an Honorable Mention in the Housewares Category of the 19th Prêmio Design Museu da Casa Brasileira. He was selected for the 1st Bienal Brasileira de Design, and won the 1st place in Prêmio Salão de Design Móvel Sul 2008 with the Deckchair Ayty – Saccaro. He participated in the Edition Design Brasil 101 Anos de História in 2010. In 2012, he was invited to be part of the book Móvel Contemporâneo Brasileiro da Fundação Getúlio Vargas (Brazilian Contemporary Furniture of Getúlio Vargas Foundation). To Roque Frizzo, a home must bear witness of those living in it, since a house without stories to tell is an empty house. His works bring part of his stories, people he met and the places where he has been to. Designing a piece of furniture is a way to share something that is very private with someone you even don´t know, and this deserves respect. Saccaro has always believed in design. “Throughout all these years, Saccaro has built its own habitat. This habitat carries identity, authorship and originality, and this is how the designer signs his creations, without of which it can´t be Saccaro.”

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